I took this picture Monday May 3rd, looking towards Nashville. The sun is shining, but the city is not. The Cumberland River that flows through downtown, flooded much of the city.
Most of you probably don't know what has happened, as the news coverage is very slim. No ones seems to want to take time to cover it. And we NEED them to. This is a MAJOR catastrophe, with MAJOR devastation. There was nothing that could have been done to stop this rain storm, nor could we have ever known the true aftermath that this storm was going to cause. NO ONE saw this coming.
I took time yesterday (as I am out of work until further notice due to flooding) to go around and help out where I could. Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones who survived this storm pretty much untouched. My garden was destroyed, but I will gladly take that. Yesterday, May 4th, I went to homes that lost everything. Water completely destroyed their homes, and lives as they once knew them. The second person I helped yesterday was so unfortunate. My heart just broke for them. Every time someone showed up at her doorstep, she lost it. It was a very humbling experience.
Sadly, that was one home, and only one person. There are soo many more going through the same thing that need help. I am going out again today to do what I can. One person can do so much, so if you are sitting at home reading this from the comfort of a warm safe place, please take a moment to see what is happening to my city. Say a prayer for us. If you can, make a donation to the Nashville Red Cross, all donations help ONLY Middle Tennessee. You can also donate on Hands on Nashville's website. If you are nearby, VOLUNTEER.
I also want to share an article that is "floating" around Nashville. It is a very well written article, from a Nashville Blogger, like myself...
The pictures on this site are mine. Property of Liesl's Confection Dissection. I posted them so I could share just some of the devastation with you. I will probably be taking a little break from blogging as there are bigger, more important things going on. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope that you can help in some way. If nothing else, please spread the word on what has happend to Nashville, TN. We need help so badly. Take the time to tell your loved ones you love them. Cherish what you have, because you truly never know how long you are going to have it. Like I said, no one could have prepared for this catastrophe. The damage is unbelievable and there is more to come as the water recedes.
Take care,
I'm sorry for everyones loss. This is a sad thing that has happend but because of people like you..getting the word out, you really are making a difference. I dont think people really know how bad it is there. Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI work with your sister Jennifer. My heart goes out all of you. My cousin in Indiana went through a flood last year in Indiana. Most people can't imagine what the devastation is like afterward.Stay strong, our thoughts are with you. I am spreading the word, hope help arrives soon! Take care!
ReplyDeleteI have been praying for all of you!! I am so glad you and Lee were unscathed. All the devastation just breaks my heart. It's amazing how the city is coming together to help. Saw a great special on CNN last night. Anderson Cooper finally giving this flooding some coverage. So great of you to volunteer and help those others who were hit so hard.